Monday, July 25, 2011

Why did political attempts to change America's moral climate fail?

Why did political attempts to change America's moral climate fail?

With the late-20th-century collapse of communism in the former Soviet Union and its East European satellites, democratization and free-market economics are sweeping many nations.
American democracy and the capitalist model have been the source of inspiration for much of this widespread change. James Q. Wilson, professor of public policy at Southern California’s Pepperdine University, writes: “Today we wonder whether the whole world might become democratic. Acting on the belief that it can, our government has bent its energies toward encouraging the birth or growth of democracy in places around the globe from Haiti to Russia, from Kosovo to the People’s Republic of China” (“Democracy for All?” Commentary, March 2000).
Along with democracy, however, America also exports its culture. And that culture is in a state of moral decline, as a number of observers have pointed out.
Robert H. Bork, former acting U.S. Attorney General and John M. Olin Scholar in Legal Studies at the American Enterprise Institute, in his 1996 book, Slouching Towards Gomorrah, writes: “American culture is complex and resilient. But it is also not to be denied that there are aspects of almost every branch of our culture that are worse than ever before and that the rot is spreading.”
James Davison Hunter, professor of sociology and religious studies at the University of Virginia and director of the Institute for Advanced Studies in Culture, points out that although “American culture has always been in flux,” since about the middle of the 20th century there has been growing confusion over such basic issues as the meaning of family, “family values,” how to raise children, the meaning of life, and the rules for living an honorable life. “Where a consensus remains in our moral culture,” he states, “it does so only in terms of the shallowest of platitudes.”
Hunter contends that “the changes that have occurred are not just cultural. They have been accompanied by profound changes in the social environment in which children grow up. The increases in family instability, the absence of the father from children’s lives, the number of hours children are left alone and unsupervised by adults, and the role of television and other electronic media of popular culture have all been well documented” (The Death of Character: Moral Education in an Age Without Good or Evil, 2000).
Tony Bouza, former head of police departments in Minneapolis and New York’s Bronx, questions whether the current values of American culture are any different than those that typified the Roman Empire before its fall.
He declares: “If we [Americans] can see the decline of [America’s] families and cities and remain smugly confident of our inviolability, if we can witness the corruption of high figures and be blind to their connection to our prospects, if we can watch the loss of faith and remain secure in our confidence of salvation, and if we can sense the general moral decline yet think we will survive, then we can assert that we remain happy, dancing, singing, drinking passengers on the Titanic” (The Decline and Fall of the American Empire, 1996).
But what about all the nations that seek the American way? Does America’s exported democracy carry with it a culture that threatens to destroy the moral fiber of those nations that embrace it? Or can that same democracy offer the solution to the problem?
Increasingly in the last few decades, individuals and groups in the United States began calling for what came to be referred to as “civil society.” Not least among them were Christian fundamentalist and evangelical communities, who felt they should attempt to stem the tide of America’s disturbing moral decay.
The roots of American fundamentalism actually lie in the late 19th century, when time-honored assumptions about biblical truth were challenged. Fundamentalism, though not known as such until well into the 20th century, was essentially a reaction to the gradually decreasing influence of religion in American society after the religious surge brought on by 19th-century revivalism; those clergymen who cried out for a return to what they saw as Christian fundamentals came to be called fundamentalists.
Their concerns were understandable. After the American Civil War, higher criticism of the Bible cropped up in many seminaries and called into question traditional views of biblical accuracy and authority. Darwinism and the new geology won rapid acceptance in scientific and educational circles and made people doubt long-established views of creation. Many American Protestants welcomed higher criticism and evolutionary thought and sought to modernize doctrine. Others developed a “social gospel,” which tended to emphasize saving society over saving souls.
In reaction to this, conservative evangelicals, fearing the loss of age-old teachings and the neglect of what they saw as the church’s primary calling, sought to shore up traditional beliefs and create new coalitions of conservative groups. During the 1920s and early ’30s, they attempted to purge liberals from their churches and eliminate the teaching of evolution in public schools.
The Dictionary of Christianity in America records: “The World’s Christian Fundamentals Association and the Anti-evolution League mobilized their forces and succeeded in getting legislation passed in a number of states. But the undisputed leader of the popular anti-evolution crusade was William Jennings Bryan, Presbyterian layman and three-time Democratic candidate for president. In the Scopes Monkey Trial in Dayton, Tennessee (1925), defense attorney Clarence Darrow humiliated Bryan, and as a result fundamentalism was held up to public ridicule. By the early 1930s their early successes were also rolled back.”
From 1935 to 1950, the more militant fundamentalists practiced what they called “come-outism” and created a vibrant subculture, building their own institutions and separating themselves in any way they could from anyone perceived as a threat. “As a result,” the Dictionary of Christianity states, “fundamentalism became identified in the public mind with anti-intellectualism, combativeness, extremism and what was viewed by many as a ‘paranoid’ style.”
After World War II, a number of younger fundamentalists, uncomfortable with what had happened to their movement, created a new brand of fundamentalism that engaged modern thought, produced many para-church organizations and involved itself more in the world’s affairs.
It was out of this background that Jerry Falwell, Baptist pastor and television evangelist, founded the Moral Majority. The conservative political group was created in 1979 to root out secular humanism and restore Judeo-Christian morality in society. Its aim was to educate and mobilize conservative citizens (mostly Christian) to elect moral candidates to office; to eliminate abortion and pornography; and to influence a wide range of public policies through lobbying offices in Washington, D.C.—in other words, to legislate morality and so bring about cultural renewal within American society. Democracy itself, they believed, held the solution to the nation’s cultural and moral problems.
The Moral Majority’s platform included support of a human life amendment to the U.S. Constitution, prayer in public schools, stricter limits on pornography, free-enterprise economics, and the death penalty.
The Moral Majority, in the opinion of analysts, never became a major factor in election outcomes. It did keep issues such as abortion and school prayer on the congressional agenda, but without much success. Media coverage was extensive but mostly unfavorable, and the organization drew vehement criticism from liberals, who objected to its efforts to legislate a sectarian morality. In 1989, Falwell announced the dissolution of the group, claiming that it had successfully helped establish the Religious Right—a movement that largely espoused the same views.
In that same year, Pat Robertson, founder and chairman of the Christian Broadcasting Network, founded the grassroots Christian Coalition. Its aim, according to Robertson, was “to give Christians a voice in government” and “to fight to bring issues of morality, family values and individual responsibility to the forefront” in the political process.
Only 10 years later, in the face of little significant change and bitter organizational setbacks, fundamentalist history began to repeat itself.
On April 9, 1999, in a Wall Street Journal article entitled “Fight or Flight: Is Politics Bad for the Soul? Conservative Christians Begin to Wonder,” commentator Fred Barnes wrote: “It’s been two decades since religious conservatives banded together as a major force in national politics. Almost immediately, they became a magnet for controversy, and over the years the attacks, mostly from the political left, haven’t let up. The basic charge has been that their flagship groups, first the Moral Majority, then the Christian Coalition, have commandeered the Republican Party and turned it into a vehicle for imposing theologically conservative religious views on the rest of America. . . .
“Now there’s a fresh and very different line of criticism, coming from inside the world of conservative Christians. In their new book, Blinded by Might: Can the Religious Right Save America? [syndicated columnist] Cal Thomas and [pastor] Ed Dobson describe the Christian political movement as a paper tiger. After 20 years, they insist, religious conservatives have nothing to show for all their intense effort. Their fondest dream has been to change the culture, but ‘the moral landscape of America has become worse,’ Mr. Thomas says. . . . What’s worse, politics has become a ‘false god’ for many Christian activists. . . . Messrs. Thomas and Dobson urge Christians to give up organized politics and get back to church work.”
On the heels of the unsuccessful political attempt to remove former American president Bill Clinton, Paul Weyrich, president of a research and education organization called the Free Congress Foundation and one of the founders of the Religious Right, echoed some of these criticisms.
As reported by Barnes, “Mr. Weyrich doesn’t urge Christians to drop out of politics altogether, but in a widely circulated letter [dated February 16, 1999] he bemoaned the failure to oust President Clinton. He concluded that the culture can’t be changed through politics.” In that letter Weyrich lamented: “I believe that we probably have lost the culture war. . . . Even when we win in politics, our victories fail to translate into the kind of policies we believe are important.”
Weyrich’s widely publicized views sent shock waves that reverberated both inside and outside the movement. While some reacted negatively, others admitted that, though some cultural changes have occurred, many problems and obstacles may be insurmountable.
From where, then, will the solution come? Ultimately, can morality be legislated? What is required to morally transform a culture gone wrong?
Hunter, in The Death of Character, points out that “so much of what we think of as ‘innate’ in our moral sensibilities . . . derives mainly from cultural resources that are dwindling. . . . Law and consensus . . . and all of America’s extraordinary wealth—individually or combined—cannot replenish them. Neither can the political thunderings of the Christian Right.”
“Religious conservatives,” add Thomas and Dobson, “no matter how well organized, can’t save America. Only God can.”
How will God “save America” and all those nations that seek to emulate its system of government, if not by transforming society through the legislative efforts of political activists?
The prophet Isaiah spoke of one who was to come, upon whose shoulder a government would rest (Isaiah 9:6–7). When that future head of state, Jesus Christ, appeared in the first century A.D., he affirmed his forthcoming role in government (John 18:36–37). His teaching pointed to the day when divine rule would replace human self-rule. Only then would true cultural renewal become reality.
Meanwhile, in the morally challenged society of His day, Jesus taught His followers to conduct themselves righteously as they lived and worked among those around them, maintaining moral purity as they awaited His return to effect real, lasting moral renewal. Their cause was to support a proclamation of good news—of the time when His government would bring the change desperately needed by a society in bondage to moral decay (Matthew 24:14).
Their responsibility was, as His was, not to make a political stand but a moral one. With the aid of His precepts, they were to navigate the difficult waters of the moral challenges they and their families would face, while living in a society that often opposed godly values.
The reality is that no system of government can force morality on its citizenry. Cultural renewal requires more than the passage of a set of laws demanding morality. It requires that people—individually and collectively—want to be moral.
The words of two widely separated individuals, the previously mentioned columnist Cal Thomas and the former Egyptian president Anwar Sadat, strike at the heart of the matter. Thomas writes, “When a building’s foundation is in disrepair, it must be replaced. This will take a change of heart and mind that requires different behavior and lifestyle choices. No politician can legislate that.” Sadat wrote in his autobiography, “He who cannot change the very fabric of his thought will never be able to change reality.” The most vital key to ultimately creating a truly reformed culture is the change that will have to occur within the “very fabric” of people’s thoughts.
The Bible points to that time. In due course, when an entirely new governmental foundation is laid, God will write His laws and ways, not in the form of legislative documents but in the willing hearts and minds of people, morally transforming society and delivering it from all its cultural ills (Jeremiah 31:31–33).
While activists and legislators strive to reform a culture through the politics of democracy and self-determination, God’s plan is to write His moral precepts in human hearts. The day is coming when cultural renewal—on a worldwide scale—will indeed become reality.

Sunday, May 15, 2011


A Japanese proverb states: "The reputation of a thousand years may be determined by the conduct of one hour." The actions of just one person have even changed the course of a nation. Edward Everett Hale wrote:
I am only one.
But still I am one.
I cannot do everything,
But still I can do something;
And because I cannot do everything
I will not refuse to do the something that I can do.
Never underestimate the power of one person to make a difference. Long ago a woman named Esther saved the Jews from holocaust. She was the wife of a Persian king. The king was about to be tricked into a decision that would lead to the extermination of the Jews. Esther's predicament was that if she tried to save the Jewish nation, she would have to risk her life. Her adoptive father gave her this message: "For if you remain silent...your father's family will perish. And who knows but that you have come to royal position for such a time as this."10 She chose to risk her life. By doing so, one person helped save an entire nation. 
If you occupy a position of leadership then your actions profoundly influence those who follow your example. Considering the many qualities that are necessary for successful leadership, Desert storm hero General H. Norman Schwarzkopf said: "Leadership is a potent combination of strategy and character. But if you must be without one, be without the strategy."

Thursday, April 14, 2011

What are Values?


What are Values?

Values are those things that really matter to each of us ... the ideas and beliefs we hold as special. Caring for others, for example, is a value; so is the freedom to express our opinions.
Most of us learned our values - or morals, if you prefer - at home, at church or synagogue, at school. But, where are our children learning their values? Maybe from parents, teachers and religious leaders, but society has changed. Too often young people today are most influenced by what they see and hear on television or on the street.
For this reason, the Boy Scouts of America - the nation's largest youth development organization - introduced new tools to help young people - from Cub Scouts through Exploring - develop positive values while learning to make ethical decisions.
The Scout Oath and Law express a well-defined code of ethical and moral conduct. If you think about it, you'll see that these abstract ideas - trustworthy, loyal, helpful, friendly, courteous, kind, obedient, cheerful, thrifty, brave, clean, reverent - can become very concrete goals for young people.
No, these ideas aren't "new and improved." They've been around since the very beginning of Scouting. These new tools provide a means for teaching today's young people how to apply these abstract ideas in everyday situations.
Scouting is designed to keep young people busy and involved in all sorts of projects. Scouts learn by doing, and learning values is as action-oriented as other Scouting programs. And all are designed to help young people acquire the values that they will strive toward well beyond their Scouting years.
After years of talk about the "moral decay" in just about every area of American life, our society seems to be turning back to the traditional values that guided this nation to greatness. To pass these values on to our children through Scouting relies upon three components: caring adults, age-appropriate and purposeful activities, and meaningful roles in the community
Leadership training and the literature of Scouting have been revised to help caring adults become better, more effective Scout leaders ... to recognize that young people develop physically, mentally, socially - and, yes, ethically - at different rates ... to identify community service projects that drive home the message that young people, by interacting with people in their community, can have a positive impact on the world around them.

Wednesday, January 12, 2011

What has America become?

The following document was printed in a newspaper. I believe it comes from a city in Michigan but I cannot authenticate the source. No matter the source, the content is worthy of being posted here to stimulate discourse

What has America become?
Has American become the land of the double standard?
Lets see: if we lie to the Congress, it's a felony and if the Congress lies to us its just politics; if we dislike a black person, we're racist and if a black person dislikes whites, its their 1st Amendment right; the government spends millions to rehabilitate criminals and they do almost nothing for the victims; in public schools you can teach that homosexuality is OK, but you better not use the word God in the process; you can kill an unborn child, but it is wrong to execute a mass murderer; we don't burn books in America, we now rewrite them; we got rid of communist and socialist threats by renaming them progressive; we are unable to close our border with Mexico, but have no problem protecting the 38th parallel in Korea; if you protest against President Obama's policies you're a terrorist, but if you burned an American flag or George Bush in effigy it was your 1st Amendment right.
You can have pornography on TV or the internet, but you better not put a nativity scene in a public park during Christmas; we have eliminated all criminals in America, they are now called sick people; we can use a human fetus for medical research, but it is wrong to use an animal.
We take money from those who work hard for it and give it to those who don't want to work; we all support eh Constitution, but only when it supports our political ideology; we still have freedom of speech, but only if we are being politically correct; parenting has been replaced with Ritalin and video games; the land of opportunity is now the land of hand outs; the similarity between Hurricane Katrina and the gulf oil spill is that neither president did anything to help.
And how do we handle a major crisis today? The government appoints a committee to determine who's at fault, then threatens them, passes a law, raises our taxes; tells us the problem is solved so they can get back to their reelection campaign.
What has happened to the land of the free and home of the brave?
-Ken Huber
Tawas City"

Subject: The Mortgage Meltdown - Explained

Subject: The Mortgage Meltdown - Explained

Understanding Derivatives -- A Primer 

Heidi is the proprietor of a bar in Detroit. 

She realizes that virtually all of her customers are unemployed alcoholics and, as such, can no longer afford to patronize her bar. 

To solve this problem, she comes up with a new marketing plan that allows her customers to drink now, but pay later. 

Heidi keeps track of the drinks consumed on a ledger (thereby granting the customers' loans). 

Word gets around about Heidi's "drink now, pay later" marketing strategy and, as a result, increasing numbers of customers flood into Heidi's bar. Soon she has the largest sales volume for any bar in Detroit.

By providing her customers freedom from immediate payment demands, Heidi gets no resistance when, at regular intervals, she substantially increases her prices for wine and beer, the most consumed beverages. 

Consequently, Heidi's gross sales volume increases massively.

A young and dynamic vice-president at the local bank recognizes that these customer debts constitute valuable future assets and increases Heidi's borrowing limit. 

He sees no reason for any undue concern, since he has the debts of the unemployed alcoholics as collateral!!! 

At the bank's corporate headquarters, expert traders figure a way to make huge commissions, and transform these customer loans into DRINK BONDS. 

These "securities" then are bundled and traded on international securities markets

Naive investors don't really understand that the securities being sold to them as "AAA Secured Bonds" really are debts of unemployed alcoholics. Nevertheless, the bond prices continuously climb!!!, and the securities soon become the hottest-selling items for some of the nation's leading brokerage houses.

One day, even though the bond prices still are climbing, a risk manager at the original local bank decides that the time has come to demand payment on the debts incurred by the drinkers at Heidi's bar. He so informs Heidi.

Heidi then demands payment from her alcoholic patrons, but being unemployed alcoholics they cannot pay back their drinking debts. 

Since Heidi cannot fulfill her loan obligations she is forced into bankruptcy. The bar closes and Heidi's 11 employees lose their jobs.

Overnight, DRINK BOND prices drop by 90%. 

The collapsed bond asset value destroys the bank's liquidity and prevents it from issuing new loans, thus freezing credit and economic activity in the community. 

The suppliers of Heidi's bar had granted her generous payment extensions and had invested their firms' pension funds in the BOND securities. 

They find they are now faced with having to write off her bad debt and with losing over 90% of the presumed value of the bonds. 

Her wine supplier also claims bankruptcy, closing the doors on a family business that had endured for three generations, her beer supplier is taken over by a competitor, who immediately closes the local plant and lays off 150 workers.. 

Fortunately though, the bank, the brokerage houses and their respective executives are saved and bailed out by a multibillion dollar no-strings attached cash infusion from the government. 

The funds required for this bailout are obtained by new taxes levied on employed, middle-class, nondrinkers who have never been in Heidi's bar.

Now do you understand?

English as the official language

English as the official language

As far as I know the official language of the United States is ENGLISH. (defacto)
I am astounded at how far our government and various Utility companies and others have distorted and resorted to abolish/modify English as our language.
When I contact various companies and utilities, I am given a choice to punch a button for English or Spanish.
English should not be a choice, it should be mandatory.
In some stores you cannot even find literature in English, only in Spanish.
Any company/Organization who does not default to English automatically should be boy cut from doing business with.
Any one who wants to live in this country legally and benefit (any benefit whatsoever) from our system, must speak, read and write English or be deported.
When you travel around the world, no country has subrogated their language to any other foreign language, why should we.
We should demand from our government – Federal, State, and County and any local governments and agencies throughout the United States to implement that strategy or be thrown out of office
Jay 1-21-2008
"The Committee to maintain English as our official language"

The English language shall be the official language of the United States. As the official language, the English language shall be used for all public acts including every order, resolution, vote, or election, and for all records and judicial proceedings of the Government of the United States and the governments of the several States.
Also introduced in the 107th Congress was this text from H.R. 3333:
The Government of the United States shall preserve and enhance the role of English as the official language of the United States of America. Unless specifically stated in applicable law, no person has a right, entitlement, or claim to have the Government of the United States or any of its officials or representatives act, communicate, perform or provide services, or provide materials in any language other than English. If exceptions are made, that does not create a legal entitlement to additional services in that language or any language other than English.
President Theodore Roosevelt once said, "We have one language here, and that is the English language, and we intend to see that the [assimilation] crucible turns our people out as Americans."
     Today America's linguistic unity, which enabled the melting-pot crucible to forge one nation out of millions of immigrants from all over the world, is under attack as never before. Record numbers of non-English speaking immigrants threaten to overwhelm the assimilative process. And instead of encouraging new immigrants to acquire the English fluency needed to succeed in our society,
the policy of our government is to promote "diversity" by operating in ever growing numbers of foreign languages.

Learning to speak English empowers immigrants. By more than 2-1 immigrants themselves say the U.S. should expect new immigrants to learn English (1) and by a 9-1 margin Hispanic immigrants believe learning English is essential to succeed in the U.S. (2)

No to "Georgiafornia!"

Our use of the term "Georgiafornia" is intended to point out that by allowing our elected officials, criminal employers, and the illegal alien lobby to continue to ignore - and violate - the laws that are designed to protect and secure American citizens in Georgia, we are on a path that could lead to the same chaos that has befallen the once wealthy and desirable state of California.

Who Killed California?

"First, open borders. By failing to enforce our immigration laws, America now hosts 31 million legal immigrants and their children and 10 million illegals, most of them net tax consumers. California got the lion's share."
- Patrick J. Buchanan, 2003
  (Read the
entire column)
For those of us who recall the Georgia of only a decade ago, it is not difficult to recognize the warning signs that we are becoming a less livable state.
The financial costs to Georgia taxpayers of supplying (bilingual) education, incarceration, medical care and social benefits to the hundreds of thousands of people who are here in violation of our laws is becoming impossible to ignore.
The tragic story of the death of Dustin Inman and many others serves to illustrate the human cost to Georgia families.
Since the horror of 9/11, we have actually seen an enormous increase in un-inspected, illegal immigration into Georgia.
Real immigrants join the American family according to American law - and are welcomed.
Many would have us believe that we cannot survive and flourish without illegal labor. Many would have us believe that there are "jobs Americans will not do".
We know that Americans have always been willing to work in America, and that there are only wages on which Americans cannot live with dignity in their own country. Constantly putting forth the absurd notion that Georgians are lazy does not make it true.
Someone please point to a case of wages in Georgia having gone up because of illegal immigration!
What would our Grandfathers' say about the fact that English is now an optional language in Georgia?
In September 2003, about 200 illegal aliens gathered on the steps of the Georgia Capitol and defiantly demanded Georgia driver's licenses, the rights of citizens and...amnesty.
In a repeat of those demands, in September 2004, their number had grown to more than one thousand.
There were no apprehensions or arrests at either gathering.
See our 1000 Words page of photos if you were not one of the band of Georgians who took time to protest these and other examples of the path to Georgiafornia.
Resistance is not futile, and we believe that we have a duty to protect our children's Georgia. Please help save our state.
We will continually catalog the cost of illegal immigration to the Georgia taxpayers.
We invite your input and comments and with your permission, will post some of them on our feedback page.